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Chris Memorial Ghana Day celebration – 4th March 2022

Chris Memorial Ghana Day celebration – 4th March 2022

This year’s Ghana Day occurred on 4th March 2022.

It was the crowning event of a week that saw the Chris Memorial kids wearing colourful shirts to school, learning about Ghana and singing a variety of local songs and rhymes. Their favorites are “Tugbor tugbor,” “Asa, asa dancing!” and “Bawa ee bawa.” Ask your child to recite them for you.

The children especially enjoyed marching around the compound after taking their school pictures.

We used storebought flags for the parade, but in addition to these flags, the children also painted or coloured their own flags. It was a fun activity that taught the younger ones colours and motor skills and taught the older ones more about Ghana and our national colours.

“On, on, on, we are marching on. Chris Memorial, we’re marching on! We are marching on the land, we are marching in the sea, we can even march in the air!” The children march at assembly every day, but there was something special about today.

Marching is serious business! Despite their serious expressions sometimes, they all had plenty of fun marching all around the compound.

After that the children painted their faces in red-gold-green colours and took individual photos.

Absolutely gorgeous in their lively African colours. These are the future professionals of Ghana, so of course they have to put on an inspiring show.

They then returned to their classes for the snacks, which included a local corn-based drink called “asaanaa.” It was unexpectedly popular, so don’t be surprised if you get requests for it at home.

Lunch was either a special jollof rice with chicken or fufu with delicious chicken soup.


After that it was nap time. An exhausting but exciting day came to an end at the usual closing time of 2pm. It was then time to go home. See you all on Tuesday!